Guests have asked for some of our recipes...a great compliment!
Watch for monthly recipes over the winter months but remember, nothing beats having us cook for you!
Home of the No Lunch Breakfast!
Be sure to start thinking of your 2024 visit!
Overnight oats are such a versatile, healthy & oh so yummy breakfast option. In fact, many of guests have told us they also bring overnight oats for their lunch at work!
Super Easy - add your favourite fruit, nuts, type of milk, yogurt and add ons like chia seeds!
The Basics...increase the amount of ingredients in equal portions based on how much you're making.
Loads of other ideas on Pinterest too!
This is for 1 serving
1/4 cup rolled or quick oats
1/4 cup milk choice
1/4 cup of your favourite fruit
Add ons ..... pecan nuts, chia seeds, caramel,
peanut butter etc
Put oats in a jar
Add milk
Sit in fridge overnight
Add your other yummy ingredients
December has come in with grey skies, it's winter but who says it needs to be boring? We're biding our time to May when we open again ~ so in the meantime...
Want to dazzle your guests or your family or maybe just treat yourself? This beautiful blueberry casserole was such a hit with our guests this past season! You can make it full size or individual servings...
easy make ahead and look like you were up super early to prepare!
Serve with maple syrup and enjoy!
4 - 5 EGGS depending on their size
Our Pina Coloda Parfait was inspired in the dead of winter as we reminisced about our days in the sunny Caribbean, toes in the sand with a frosty drink in our hands.
This addition to our 2022 breakfast menu was an immediate hit with our guests. Super easy to make and will be a real crowd pleaser in your home!
Ingredients - yield is for 2 so double up if you have more people
> 1 slice fresh pineapple cut just less then 1" thick
> 1 tbsp brown sugar
> 1/2 tsp butter
> 1 tsp rum
> 1/4 cup shredded coconut
> 1 tbsp yoghurt
To Make:
1. Cut pineapple into 8 even pieces - add to pan with melted butter - keep pan to a medium heat, not too hot
2. Sprinkle brown sugar over pineapple, stir and heat until brown sugar is melted
3. Add rum, stir and take off of heat
4. Arrange 4 pieces of pineapple on each plate, half moon
5. Put yoghurt in centre of the plate
6. Sprinkle coconut over the plate
7. Drizzle brown sugar over the pineapple
8. Enjoy!
Check in next month for another yummy recipe AND for what's NEW in 2023! You're going to love it!
I don't know about you, but January seemed to hang on forever and yet here we are, finally into February. Of course February is the month of love but like many of you, February also has meant a trip to the sunny and may I add warm south.
Mexico has been a favorite for Bob & I and we've been fortunate to travel there quite a few times. For me, aside from the sun and pool and the amazing people, Mexico means great food. Even at home we often enjoy something Mexican and with great resources on the internet now, it's even easier than ever to find yummy recipes to experiment with.
So in light of my dreaming of being in Mexico I thought for this month I would share a recipe that we've tried and love. What I love especially is that you make this the day before and that makes your morning that much more enjoyable.
This Mexican Breakfast Casserole is an amazing and packed with cheesy eggs, spicy chorizo and peppers. Make this hearty, flavorful breakfast or even for brunch any day of the week!
Look to the right hand corner for the prep details - remember you can be as creative as you want to be! Enjoy
What a year 2021 was for all of us! For Bob & I opening our B&B was a highlight. It's humbling to see your vision and dream come to fruition. That in large part to our amazing guests and support from our community.
So as we move into the new year, winter is upon us and rest assured we're testing out new breakfast menu ideas. I'm so excited to have a few new items on our menu.
For January we thought that we might inspire you with WAFFLES! Yes waffles are a big hit and Oh so E-Z to create and will definitely add the wow factor to your breakfast table, or even lunch or dinner!
1. Consider buying a waffle maker but if you don't have one you can easily buy ready made waffles usually found near the bakery in your grocery store.
2. You can change up waffles to be sweet or savory - let your imagination go wild.
We serve up some fun waffle dishes at our B&B, just let us serve up our waffles for you!
When you're at home, simply let your imagination take charge, check the attached link and enjoy!
The Bruce Peninsula has seen a wonderful fall season with amazing weather and temps but Mr. Winter has arrived. It’s been grey and a little snowy but we’re all wrapped up outside so bring it on! There has already been sightings of the great Snowy Owl in the area as well…I saw a few last year, truly spectacular so here’s hoping that I’ll be lucky this winter.
Bob & I have also begun thinking about some new recipes for 2022 – We will be experimenting this winter (keeps us busy!) to find just perfect additions to our menus.
Think pineapple and rum.…just what we need this time of year! Plus we’re experimenting with crepes…more to come!
With the holidays just around the corner, this amazing Cinnamon Swirl Bread recipe is perfect for Christmas morning brunch or when you're entertaining!
Maybe you’ve had it (yum) and if not, when you visit just ask and I’ll get Bob back in the kitchen to whip this one up for you!
Again, we work using some favorite recipes and find ways to modify however this particular recipe stands well on it’s own.
With that said don’t be afraid to get creative by adding chopped pecans, maybe some raisins, sugar icing or simply toasting the bread adding your favourite jam or honey.
What ever you decide, we hope it turns out yummy - let us know on Facebook or Instagram! Or, better yet, come visit us and Bob will bake it for you! No muss no fuss!
What a year 2021 has been! Opening our B&B left us a little anxious wondering whether or not our vision would meet and even exceed our guests expectations! And so it did, at least the lovely notes left by guests, Trip Advisor reviews and heartfelt good byes at the end of people's stays told us so. we're closed for the season and that leaves us with time to share (as requested by guests) some of our favorite recipes and winter musings as we look to 2022. Our recipes are often our own creative take of other recipes that we trial and error over winter....after all it's pretty quite up on the Bruce during winter so why not experiment in the kitchen! So in turn feel free to put your own spin on our recipes (our feelings won't be hurt!), add or delete ingredients as you wish!
I thought that we would start with one of our popular breakfasts - Birds Nest. An apropos breakfast given we are blessed with so many wonderful birds all around us!
Pre heat oven to 400 F
Find our recipe inspiration link above.
Birds Nest ~ On the Cliff Style
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